Meet the locals
You’ll meet a diverse cast of characters throughout your adventure —some will even join you in your quest to bring Accordia back to its former glory. Hunt out new friends and help reunite the world of Okabu!
Your first port of call will be Rudolf Taleweaver. He’s ready to point in the right direction and get you off on the right track.
In the early stages of your adventure he’s a great source of wisdom if you’re not quite sure which task to tackle next.
Your Crew
Uniting a whole world is no mean feat! Luckily the local islands have no shortage of loyal, experienced volunteers to help you on your quest.
The best Captains are only as strong as their crew - and each crew member brings with them their own unique set of skills.
Recruiting and training the best crew will make sure you can reach every part of the world, leaving no stone unturned and no treasure left behind.
Finally a hard-working crew will need somewhere to recharge after all that adventuring, so don’t forget to make sure you include a house each for them too!
Citizens of Okabu
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and although not all the the people who live around the seas of Okabu may have the skills you need on your crew, they are a very friendly (and generous!) bunch —so don’t be shy to stop by and say hello!