Level Up
There are lots of skills to pick up and perfect while on your adventure. Be sure to make regular stops at your home island to check on the progress of your traders and crew —you can also showcase your triumphs to other visiting players!
Life is not a competition, but a little recognition for all your hard adventuring is always appreciated!
Whether you’re a master of hunting monster parts or simply love decorating your island, we recognise and reward all types of adventures!
Every bustling city needs a healthy economy. Recruit Traders to sell the items you collect on your adventure.
Each Trader will also need a place to live, so make sure you've built enough homes before offering anyone a job!
Equipping your crew in the latest and greatest gear not only makes them look snazzy, it will also add to your Crew Badges.
Furniture (both outside and inside your buildings) will also reward you with Island Badges.
All badges help speed up your trades —and bank that gold!